Back in middle school, there was a funny girl in my small group who came to youth group on night wearing a homemade 'rambo' costume with plastic spoon bullets and a slingshot around her neck. She was known for her bright orange pants. She was the girl I would talk to about boys.. Or more like complain to about boys. We decided that we would become nuns, and wondered when a boy would finally like either of us. ..This girl grew up to become a missionary in Spain. She had turned into a beautiful woman who had become content with where God had her in life. Then she came home to the states one summer and met Denny. He had been places she had been, done things that she had done, loved God the same way that she loves God. They were perfect for each other. It was such an honor to photograph Victoria and Denny's wedding. To see the look in Denny's eyes when he first saw Victoria walk down the isle, and to see Victoria radiate with excitement all day. But they also picked each others noses, and made each other laugh, and made the goofiest faces I've ever seen. So, before I keep writing five more pages about how perfect Denny and Victoria are for each other, I will stop typing and show you a few pictures.